Professional Immigration Services. 入管、永住・帰化申請のスペシャリスト


We speak English.


Welcome to the Immigration

Immigration Attorney certified by the Immigration Breau,the Ministry of Justice

My name is Shoichi Shinto. I am the immigration attorney, certified by the Immigration Bureau, the Ministry of the Justice.

This website is made for those of you who are going to live in Japan for an extended of time-those who are going to work or study in Japan or those who are coming to live Japan with their families.

Our motto is "No Problem is unsolvable"


If you have specific immigration problem, contact a licensed immigration attorney now for a confidential consultation.

For business, our goal is to assist our clients in resolving all immigration matters that arise on a daily basis in the global marketplace.

We serve both foreign and domestic clients needing to transfer personnel to Japan, these include students, engineers, skilled labors, entertainers, athletes, investors and dependent.

We sincerely hope that your stay in Japan will be a fruitful one.


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